A Tapping Method to Help with Anxiety

Scenic shot of the beach with waves hitting the rocks.

Welcome to the ‘Emotional Freedom Technique’ otherwise known as EFT


  1. Find sore spot on chest- mid length of clavicle drop down onto pec, find a sore spot

  2. Recite an affirmation. Here is one provided for you: Even though I have anxiety (or x symptom or condition), I am truly and deeply committed to myself

  3. Tapping: Tap with your index and middle finger a few times at each of these spots and in this order: under eye- collar bone- under arm- collar bone- little finger- collar bone.

  4. The 9 gamuts: tap on the back of the hand between 4th and 5th digit AND do the following: open eyes, close eyes, look hard down right, look hard down left, rotate eyes in one direction, rotate in the other direction, hum a tune (like birthday song or twinkle twinkle, can be anything) count 1-5, hum a tune.

  5. Check back in with level of anxiety. If below 2, tap the 9 gamut spot on back of hand look to the sky and then down the ground.

for information and explanation of the 9 gamuts



It’s the autumn equinox!


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