The ‘its not about the weight

Weight Loss Program

A holistic framework for embodied freedom

Spring session: April 27 - June 29, 2024

This highly curated 2 month program is dedicated to all those looking to get free of the weight once and for all.

And when I say weight, I mean:

  • weight as a form of protection and safety

  • weight as undigested emotions

  • weight as all the burdens, overwhelm, helplessness, disempowerment, regret, and anything else weighing you down

  • weight vs wait, waiting to be what you are

  • Weight from the nervous system response of freeze, paralyzation, and collapse

  • weight from diet culture, not eating what you need for your vehicle

  • weight as separation and distraction from the core and Dao of you

  • weight as self hate

  • weight from not eating what is right for you, not eating enough and being nutritionally depleted

Why I am teaching this class?

Because I have personal experience with this theme of ‘weight’ and it has been a steady part of my research and ‘me-search’ for almost 10 years.

It all started December of 2015 (and really in the womb, but more about that in the class), when I cut my emotionally abusive father out of my life once and for all. After I had made the courageous decision to do so, I started gaining weight. No matter what I did, what food I did or didn’t eat, body movement, doctors’ visits, hypnotherapy, and everything else, the weight would not budge. In the last 10 years I went from 180lbs to 250lbs. I was depressed, constantly overwhelmed and burdened by living and though I wasn’t suicidal in the ‘traditional’ sense, I found it challenging to see light at the end of this god-forsaken tunnel.

It wasn’t until I went even deeper within myself more than ever before and continued the journey of examining issues within my core— issues around self worth, feeling good enough, the shame and blame for existing, dealing with my wounding around my mother and father; and lastly working on my extremely sensitive nervous system that I started to see a change.

As I did this, I had to sober up and get real about what foods worked for me and what foods did not. I am an indigenous Samoan woman with a family history of drug addiction, alcoholism and inherited trauma that runs along both sides of my family; my liver and chemistry can not handle a lot of foods and I had to learn to accept that and also listen closely to what my body actually needed; beyond what diets were in or out at in any given moment.

Finally, I had to get conscious and sober around the concept of self, of having a self, and to own what I am and what I am called to do; healing any pockets of fear that would have me continue to hide from my sacred mission and purpose. For so long I just didn’t really think I was allowed to be here. For so long I couldn’t see how to feel SAFE enough to exist with a body. I had such a deep and long history of leaving my body that to come home to it was down right terrifying. When I think about the agenda in which my mother conceived me, this body from the beginning was never mine. I was created to serve her and my father’s purpose. Either I stay loyal to them or die. Literally. In having children, they never considered that they would have independent spirits, with minds and souls that would want to live a life of their own choosing. And their life of addiction and narcissism made the possibility of freedom nearly impossible. And yet, as Jeff Goldblum’s character states simply in ‘Jurassic Park’, “Life finds a way.” (lol). Truly.

While I am still in the process of taking shape in the way that I choose, for me and me alone, my personal journey coupled with the my professional experience working with patients with similar issues gives me the opportunity to open up several portals that we can now walk through together.

I fundamentally believe that journeys such as these are best embarked on with a group of likeminded folks who are being challenged with related themes. Though the journey of the Spirit is ultimately one we take alone, the parallel journey on this plane can be done with accompaniment and encouragement. Please join me as we experiment and play with what it means to be free on this plane, with your spirit and your body working as one cohesive whole. They say that the worlds beyond is the art gallery and that here is the workshop; well friends, let’s have fun in this expansive workshop called life and celebrate being alive!

This 2 month online program includes:

  • welcome and closing ceremony to invite our ancestors; dedicate our work to the land, our past selves and our personal destiny; and to open up portals of creative exploration and transformation

  • 18 workshop hours, spread over 6 classes. Each class will include reflection and practice time on each of the concepts discussed.

  • regular accompaniment and communication with me to answer any questions and talk through any challenges. I commit to responding within 24 hours of any question.

  • community support and encouragement through the mighty networks app.

Optional add-ons for a deeper experience

Safe and Sound Protocol- $300/person

While we learn about the nervous system and ways to to restore, this option is for folks who really need to re-program their nervous system in order to feel safely embodied and to evolve in their purpose and mission. Normally priced at $425, this includes use of the SSP app for 4 months and all three available programs, 1 group session and 1 individual session. To read more about SSP prior to our workshop session-

SSP group session date: June 21 at 9am PST

Drop in meditation & qi gong classes- sliding scale

For more practice with meditation and embodiment, I will have classes available online. In the coming weeks, a schedule will be posted.

Tuesday morning and Thursday evening dates scattered through May and June

Group coaching session- $55/person, per session

During this program, I will offer one 3 hour group coaching session. Another one will be added depending on group needs.

During this time, each participant will have 20 min of 1-1 coaching time while the rest of the group witnesses and learns.

Limit 9 participants per session. Each participant getting coached will pay the fee.

Group coaching session date: May 18 at 3pm PST

potential add on date: June 21at 3pm PST

Concepts and principles we will discuss and practice

Meditate to speak to your own spirit

To be able to know yourself, you need a tool that allows you to speak to your higher self. I will teach you how to connect to your spirit—where we connect and pose questions to our own spirit as the mechanism for seeking, with listening being the second component of the practice. In learning this valuable tool, you will open a portal for seeing through your own eyes and not through the eyes of others and begin the process of listening to your own sacred voice and responding to the authority within you.

Your personal destiny & the oneness model

At the heart of East Asian medicine is the concept of the Dao and the Dao within you. This medicine provides a powerful framework for discovering the ways you are separated from yourself and your personal destiny, your elemental pattern for growth and de-evolution, and how to become closer to your Dao.

We will combine this with the framework of the Oneness Model, created by Julie Burns Walker, and her 3-step process for moving through myth and lore, either inherited or created in early childhood.

Food, body chemistry, and constitution

You guessed it, there is no one size fits all to healthy eating and more importantly, every body is different. So how are we to know what to eat in a way that is truly nourishing? How do we resist the temptations of diet culture? How do we ensure we don’t maintain a magical thinking approach to eating? In this class I will define key concepts fundamental towards our understanding of true nourishment so you can feel empowered in all your food choices.

The 5 elements, cyclical living & attunement

Learn about the 5 elements, it’s seasons and energetic signatures, cyclical and sacred time keeping, and what it means to attune to the rhythms of our outer and inner worlds.

By learning about our cycles, we open up more opportunities for ourselves to grow, learn, rest, and respond in ways that work best for what we are.

The nervous system and a safe return home

Learn about polyvagal theory, practices and methods to restore and activated nervous system so that you can embody cues of safety, and override the cues of danger and life threat.

Holistic restoration in the face of change

Deep dive into the element of earth and it’s energetic signatures of body, the mother within, and how to create rhythms and habits that are nourishing and sustaining, instead of oppressive and separate from you. Learn how to harness the metronome of life in order to weather the change that our ego and mind resists.

and ultimately, this is about having the freedom to DECIDE for yourself what you want to weigh and feeling empowered with that choice to take the shape you want— and all within a much greater context of your design, your personal destiny, and what you are seeking to express in this world.

3 pricing plans that work for you

  • One payment of $599

    With an early bird price of $499 until April 15!

  • 2 monthly payments of $350

    With an early bird price of 2 payments of $300 until April 15!

  • 3 monthly payments of $240

    With an early bird price of 3 monthly payments of $210 until April 15!

Schedule of events

Welcome Ceremony & Immersion

Saturday April 27, 2024

9am-12pm & 1pm-3pm PST

Reflections and Closing Ceremony

Saturday June 22, 2024

9am-12pm PST

3 hour Workshop Sessions

Saturdays, 9am-12pm PST

  • May 11, 2024

  • May 18, 2024

  • June 8, 2024

  • June 15 ,2024

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • All classes will be recorded and made available on the mighty networks site for you to watch.

  • not at this time.

  • it will be a guided meditation that will teach you how to connect and speak with your own spirit. In each session we will connect with your higher self, pose questions, and listen for the response.

    Attendance is strongly encouraged as I will answer any questions, help interpret and clear up any confusion during this sacred connection

Sign up today