Let’s welcome in the Winter Solstice

Dr. Kirby Teuila Grey LAc. DAHM News 

Hello and happy Winter Solstice to you all! 

In this quarterly issue, I discuss the following: 


  • Important dates for those with United and Regence insurance 

  • Pricing and sliding scale updates 

    • New pricing and package deals in effect Jan 1, 2024 

    • Sliding scale in effect Jan 1, 2024 - Limited availability for sliding scale, here’s how to apply

  •  Non-profit / subsidized services update 

  • Dr. Aakash Kishore, PhD, a therapy referral 

  • Recommended acupuncturists that take insurance 

  • Winter solstice rituals to try

If you would like to read the details of each of these points, please continue below.


Regence and United Insurances 

For patients insured with United Health–  the last day to use your benefits is Jan 23, 2024

For patients insured with Regence/BCBS– the last day to use your benefits is Feb 23, 2024

If this changes, I will be sure to let you know.   


Pricing and sliding scale program updates

New prices in effect Jan 1, 2024 
Effective January 1, 2024, I will be raising my prices. They are as follows:   

  • New patient 60-70 min appt- $200 

  • Return patient 60-70 min appt- $150 

  • Return patient 90 min appt- $200

  • Telehealth/distance healing 90 min appt- $200

  •  Telehealth/distance healing 60 min appt- $150

  • Telehealth/distance healing 30 min appt- $80 (for return patients only) 

  • Safe and Sound Protocol App- $140 for 4 months of use*

  • Safe and Sound Protocol App- $15 a month for continued use of SSP Balance*

    *does not include appt fee 

Package Deals 

Package deals are great for those in the 3rd tier / those experiencing financial security and have expendable income: 

  • Buy 9, get 1 free - $1350 (save $150) + $45 for new patients

  • 5 pack - $700 (save $50) + $45 for new patients 

  • 3 pack - $435 (save $15) + $45 for new patients 

    Sliding scale program details and how to apply 

Starting January 1, 2024, I will be offering a sliding scale program. 25% of my schedule will be available for those seeking financial assistance.

Waitlist and prior confirmation - While you do not have to prove your income level to use this program, there are limited spots available monthly. You must have prior approval from me in order to use the sliding scale option.  Please email me at dr@kirbyteuilagrey.com to be approved. 

I have organized the sliding scale system around this pricing and have set three access points which I hope account for the many socioeconomic realities present. I thank Dr. Ryan of Gentle Point Acupuncture for the use of the language, system, and the support in making this transition. 

For those who could not access care without this option-

$95-125 / Session + $25 for new patients

  • Low-income, precariously employed or retired, or otherwise unable to work

  • You earn less than $60k per year

  • You are a single parent 

  • You have no health insurance and little access to healthcare or therapy

  • You have little expendable income - you can't often afford to spend for pleasure, travel, or cover unexpected costs

For those who need to check their budget before booking-

$125-150 / Session +$30 for new patients 

  • Low to middle income, stably employed or retired

  • You earn between $60k - 100k per year

  • You have adult or children dependents to support

  • You have health insurance or access to healthcare and therapy as needed

  • You have some expendable income - you can moderately spend for pleasure, afford occasional vacations, and cover most unexpected costs

For those experiencing financial security-

$200 for new patients / $150 for return patients  + $10-50+ if you want to contribute to the health of someone in need.*

  • Middle to high income, comfortably employed or retired, or not needing to work

  • You earn more than $100k per year

  • You have health insurance and access to regular healthcare and therapy

  • You have expendable income - you can spend for pleasure, regularly afford vacations, make large purchases, and easily cover unexpected costs

*All proceeds will go to a healthcare fund to support those who can’t afford even the lowest tier price, making it $0-$50 a session. This will include all tips given. What I provide is holistic medical support and intervention, so my rates accurately reflect the scope of my practice.  


Sovereign Women Worldwide, a non-profit in the works 

In the coming months I will be unrolling an even greater subsidized option for those in extreme need. We are talking $0-$50 a session. I am in conversation with an established non-profit in the Portland area that is willing to become my fiscal sponsor. Once we solidify this relationship, we will hit the ground running with generating funding via grants and private donations.

If you would like to get put on a list that will let you know as soon as this is enacted, contact me.  If you would like to donate to one of these healthcare funds that the nonprofit will manage: 

Contact me!  I will email everyone once the website is established, making it easier to both schedule a session and/or donate. 


Therapy referral– Dr. Aakash Kishore, Phd

Dr. Aakash Kishore, Phd has recently opened up a private practice after working for several years at the local VA hospital. 

Read more about him here:
I am a queer and transmasculine Indian American psychologist who was raised in the Midwest. From an early age and throughout my life, I’ve had the experience of being both invisible and hypervisible at the same time. Other people’s beliefs about me often determined which resources I could access, and over time I found that those beliefs also began to shape what I thought and felt about myself. It takes active work each day to release those unhelpful scripts and reclaim the power of my own voice. I am licensed in Oregon and Colorado, and currently reside in Portland, OR.” – bio for Dr. Kishore, found on his website

For more information, check out their website: https://www.draakashkishorephd.com/


Acupuncturists who take insurance 

Here is a short list of acupuncturists I know and/or have received care from who currently take insurance: 


Winter Solstice Rituals

This is a great resource if you are looking for new ways to connect more deeply with the Winter Solstice 


Since becoming Baha’i some 15+ years ago, I don’t celebrate Christmas anymore, except in a very general sense (I recently attended A Gospel Christmas with the Oregon Symphony and had a BLAST). However, I very much gravitate towards the earth based rituals that connect me with the seasonal changes that are always occurring– the solstices being two intense periods of time where you can really FEEL the energetic forces at play.  Part of the framework of Chinese medicine and 5 element theory is assessing how the constant change of seasons is impacting the individual and the community at large. 

It’s also interesting to note that so many spiritual and earth based holidays/traditions fall around the same time as this powerful seasonal node: Hanukkah, Yalda, Christmas, Dong Zhi, and Kwanzaa— just to name a few. 

Season of Winter from the 5 element wheel, the Chinese Medicine Framework:

  • A time for relaxation and restoration of our kidney qi/adrenal system 

  • Emotion: fear- connect to the fear within us all- that ever-present fear of the Unknown 

  • Virtue: Wisdom- the inner wisdom that comes from experience +inner knowing to walk that invisible path of the Unknown with courage and fortitude 

  • Spirit: Zhi- the spirit of Will housed in the kidneys that drives our primal will to survive 

  • Reflection- in this crystalized space of winter, where everything is frozen over and in its peak stillness, we can see very clearly what is true about our highest self and what myths need to die that natural death. 

  • Location- South

  • Directional movement- North 

  • Color- Black 

  • Element- Water 

  • Food that are good to eat: seaweed, wild rice, miso soup, blackberries 


As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.  Stay warm, stay empowered, and have a blessed winter solstice. 


Dr. Kirby


Happy Summer Solstice and tis the season to be expressive!


It’s the autumn equinox!